Jean-Luc Delli
Legal Entrepreneur, Legal Coach, Legal Project Manager

Jean-Luc Delli (MLaw University of Fribourg i.Ue, 2006) has worked in commercial law and project management for several years. In 2011, he founded Lawbility to create a range of coaching and training sessions designed to improve the language and practical skills of practicing lawyers and legal practitioners, as well as law students and bar exam candidates. Jean-Luc works as the CEO, a program director and coach of Lawbility. In 2012, he launched the Swiss bar exam school «», the first Swiss Professional Skills & Bar Exam Training Institution offering publications, seminars and training units for candidates of the Swiss bar exam.Jean-Luc Delli is managing editor of the “Compendium of Swiss Law” ("Kompendium zum schweizerischen Recht") a co-publication of Lawbility and the publishing houses Helbing Lichtenhahn (Switzerland) und C.H.Beck (Germany).
In 2018, Jean-Luc Delli launched the «Lawbility» ( The service provides legal and value-added advice to entrepreneurs and individuals in difficult decisions and various situations and coaching for solid solutions (legal advice).
Jean-Luc Delli engages in international law student training institutions (